Some of you may be aware that I cracked a rib about a month and a half ago on my mom's birthday. I am completely healed now, but I have slowly been putting together a list of stories I should have told about how it happened. So here you go. Here is the list of: 19 possible, but not probable, ways I cracked my rib and 1 real ridiculous story without the full details.
1. Kicked while changing a baby's diaper.
2. Raptor fight.
3. Result from polio on the Oregon Trail.
4. Attacked by the Sourpatch Kids in those commercials...and then they took me to the doctor (First they're sour, then they're sweet).
5. Rock climbing.
6. Got excited playing Wii Tennis and swung too hard.
7. A rouge float driver at The Parade Company hit me with a giant recycling raccoon.
8. Fell off my bed reaching for the fallen clicker.
9. Mimicking the Karate Kid.
10. Fell off some Monkey Bars.
11. I twisted while sneezing.
12. Got hit with a softball playing catch with my cousin.
13. Playing True American from the show New Girl.
14. Tied a corset too tight.
15. Got a bear hug from a baby sabertooth moose lion (10 points if you can name that show! 15 points if you ignore what's in the parenthesis and still consider this a legit option, 20 points if you do both).
16. Playing Popcorn on the trampoline trying to relive my childhood.
17. Pole vaulting practicing for the Olympics.
18. Fighting with Ben Miotke in a heated debate about Phillip Phillips vs. Jessica Sanchez.
19. Puking from food poisoning from a shady but delicious foot cart.
20. Freak bumper cars accident.