It's no secret that I am not political. I actually try really hard not to discuss politics with people (as made evident to me again when I was going through several "Who is your political match?" quizzes with my mom discussing several issues). I also want everyone to know that in no way am I trying to negate the real issues in our country that we do vote for. That being said, here is a list of things that I think SHOULD have also been on the 2012 Ballot.
-When should we fire Gary Bettman: today or at 12:01 tomorrow? The question is when, not should we. The answer to that is clearly "yes" if you are a hockey fan. I just don't feel like he cares/cared about what happened to this season. He waited too long to start discussions even though he knew the current contract was ending.
-How many times a month those sad, ruin-your-whole-day Sarah McLachlan SPCA commercials are played. Self explanatory. My vote is 3-4.
-What time of night horror movie previews should stop being shown. Nothing like getting all snuggly in your bed when a commercial for Terrifying Monsters From The Doom Return To Eat Your Jugular Part 4 comes on and the next thing you know it is 4 hours later and you are still awake. I would even settle for a Parental Control that just gives me a black screen during these commercials.
-Can we still bring back Firefly? I know it's been 3,609 days since the last episode aired on TV, but I think we should all vote whether or not to pull all the characters off of their current projects and reunite them. I mean, the show takes place in space, they could totally have gone through some space-time continuum thing to explain this delay, right? (Note: I do not actually know what a STC does. It just sounded right.)
-Which state me and all my friends get to live in. I miss all my friends in other states. A LOT! So I want everyone I know to move closer together. Everyone start preparing your arguments for whichever state you want to back. We will reconvene at a later date.
-How many phone calls you are allowed to receive from political candidates. It is voting day and we are still getting them! I love robots more than most, but most people I know don't even listen to the messages anyway. If a real person calls me that I can question about a candidate, ok, but if it is just a recording telling me to vote for thank you.
-When stores are allowed to start playing Christmas music. Personally, the only Christmas music that I truly like is the 90's throwback to Destiny's Child's and NSYNC's CDs (8 Days of Christmas and Kiss Me At Midnight, yes please!) but beyond that I will listen to it Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I know that is unrealistic for everyone else, but can we vote to at least wait until after Thanksgiving! Let's respect all Holidays, people.
-Should Valverde be allowed to come back as a Tiger next season? I know that some people would probably like to reevaluate Leyland coming back as well. I personally am ok with him coming back, but we can throw that on the ballot as well if people would like. Really though, we don't need Valverde. (Also, if something has already been published about whether or not he is returning and I missed it, I apologize.)
-What gets to be on our state quarters. I know they are all out, but I think they should reinstate them and next time the citizens of the state should get to vote how they want their state represented on our currency.
Those are my current thoughts. If there was something you could put on the ballot, what would it be?