So my least favorite words have come up a lot in conversation lately and I have always found it easier to think of words that I hate faster than words that I like. So I am making a conscious decision to create a list of some of my favorite words of the moment and my definitions (*note*: these are not necessarily words I use the most, though some may be, but most I probably found while making this post):
Aglet: The plastic tip at the end of a shoelace.
Boom: An exclamation of joy or victory. Boom!
Bugaboo: Something that causes fear or worry (that's a for real definition). 'Cause you a bugaboo/You buggin' what, You buggin' who, You buggin me/And don't you see that ain't cool.
Cray-cray: To be insane. To have crazy tendencies. Bitches be cray-cray.
Harlot: A prostitute or promiscuous woman. That wench is a dirty harlot.
Jugular: Of the neck or throat, but I usually only refer to my windpipe as the jugular. My dog stepped on my julugar.
Octothorpe: refers to the '#' symbol. When I use Twitter I use excessive octothorpes.
Trollop: A promiscuous woman. That wench is such a dirty trollop.
Uncouth: Lacking in sophistication or manners. Ke$ha is very uncouth but I will still follow her trail of glitter.
Those who know me really well will notice that I have left out my absolute favorite word/phrase. Just accept it and move on, haha! You know what it is, I know what it is, but nothing would be gained by posting it here.
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