King (Favorite Male Lead Character)
So I am making my own rules for some of these. Picking favorite characters is impossible. So instead, for me, the King is someone who is a True Leader and would have a reign over his country without breaking a sweat.
Daniel MacGregor - The MacGregors series
There are 14 stories within 6 books (not including a prequel that I did not read), but you still want to know about this family. So basically Daniel MacGregor, known as "The MacGregor," is the patriarch of this family. All he wants is to see his children, and eventually grandchildren, married and starting their own families. So he starts getting tricksy with them and does some meddling, tries to be sly, but they are romance novels so of course he gets his way. His wife Anna is also one of the strongest female characters. Nora Roberts got so much fan mail wanting to know how Daniel and Anna got together that their story is the 5th one in the series, I believe.
Queen (Favorite Female Lead Character)
So once again, can't pick a favorite. For me the queen is the female lead character with the Most Commanding Presence. She walks into a room and the world stops and waits for her lead.
Noelle - Private
Prince (Most Loyal Male Character)
Wendy - Violet Eyes
Ok, I know Wendy is not a male character, but so what? I made up my own rules for the first two, what does it really matter at this point?
I recently reread this book, and I can honestly say that Wendy is one of the most loyal friends you could have. Angel is the main character, and when her boyfriend and badminton partner (yes…badminton) goes missing, Wendy drops everything and helps her in any way she can. Angel and Mike are part of a subspecies that was created to be an improvement in every way. They have grown up in living historical museums (1980's to them, over 100 years before modern day for everyone else) as a way to prevent them from being able to survive in the real world, but still be able to test them on their skills. When Angel finally tells Wendy about this, Wendy believes her and jumps in full force. This is a YA Distopian novel from my childhood before YA Distopian novels were cool.
2nd Prince (Most Laid Back Male Character)
Marcus - The Jessica Darling Novels
Woo! Actually picking something within the guidelines!
So Marcus is the epitome of laid back, not a care in the world. I don't even know what I can say about him to make this point. He literally just embodies it in every sense. The Jessica Darling novels (Sloppy Firsts, Second Helpings, Charmed Thirds, Forth Comings) are told in a diary like style. The fifth and last book is not, but to say why would give too much away. He is just so much smarter than you would think, because he's so quiet in some ways. Man, writing this makes me want to reread them. I loved them growing up.
Princess (Most Headstrong Female Character)
Amy - Ivy League Novels
Oh man, if there was ever a girl that was stubborn and headstrong…it was Amy. She is the lead character of these novels. She gets tapped into a secret society at her school and life just gets crazy from there. This is a girl who just basically starts saying "Eff you!" to a bunch of people, burns a lot of bridges, and still somehow gets you to want to root for her. A lot of stuff does happen to her that does in some way justify her responses, to be fair.
King's Advisor (Most Trustworthy)
Ed - Fearless
So there are like 36 books in this series, give or take a few. I will admit, I have not read them all. I started reading these in like 7th grade. It took forever, but I finally tracked down the whole series. I don't know if I ever made it past book 24 any of the times I tried to reread them.
HOWEVER, Ed was the most trustworthy guy. This is a series that basically at any point you don't know where people stand. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are evil, sometimes they don't know what choices they are making. But then there is Ed. He is the stereotypical best friend that is stuck in the friend-zone. He would stop the world for Gaia, whether it means putting an end to a snarky remark in the hallways or trying to take down a mugger that he thinks will hurt her.
Court Wizard (Magical Powers)
Stacey - Blue Is For Nightmares
It would have been too obvious to pick someone from Harry Potter for this, haha.
So instead I chose Stacey. There are 4 books in this series. Stacey is Wiccan and her powers work in crazy ways. When she has nightmares, they start to come true. Her best friend Drea has become the object of a psycho stalker's obsession. She has to use cards, candles, spells, and incantations to figure out the puzzle of what everything means before it is too late.
Court Jester (Funniest Character)
Heaven - Stupid and Contagious
This was the HARDEST one for me to pick. I admit, I finally just chose someone. That is not to say that Heaven was not funny, but I feel like I had so many options.
Anyway, Heaven is a hoot. When her new neighbor Brady moves in across the hall, she is constantly opening his mail, she'll walk in on him without knocking, and she kind of invites herself on a business trip he is taking. She sees nothing wrong with this. The mail was in her mailbox, his door was unlocked, and he's self employed, so a business trip isn't much different than a vacation, right? This would make a great chick flick, honestly.
Traitor (Least Trustworthy)
Judas - The Bible
There's just something about him, man, that I don't trust.
For real, I couldn't choose anyone that wouldn't be a huge spoiler by me posting anything. I figure this was a good bet. If this was a spoiler for you…#SorryNotSorry.
Lady-In-Waiting (Favorite Supporting Female Character)
Ruth - 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU
Ruth is a better friend than I. She is Jess's best friend and the most supportive in situations where all she wants to be is anything but. When Jess gets on a motorcycle with her crush a few years older (who is on probation), she goes off on her. Tells her she is crazy, Rob is bad news, why can't you like a nice boy? Then when Rob comes around, she holds her tongue. Oh man, if I could even tell you all the similarities I see between her and I. I just love her. Even when I find her annoying, I love her.
Duke and Duchess (One True Pairing)So I kind of wanted to choose Anna and Daniel from the MacGregors for this one as well, but since I clearly already sold you on those book, I'll pick a new pair.
Laurel and Delaney - Savor The Moment
Of course it is another Nora Roberts book, though! This is actually the 3rd book in the Bride Quartet, and they are all good. Laurel was my favorite, though, because she had the sass and a chip on her shoulder. Del is Laurel's best friend's older brother. Watching them discover their feelings was great. You watch Laurel deal with Del always being the One, and Del realizing that Laurel is not his sister, even though she's been around basically just as long.
Gossiping Lady's Maid (Most Likely To Reveal Secrets or Spread Rumors)
Rita Skeeter - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Feel free to correct me if I am wrong about this being her first appearance, but I couldn't remember if she showed up before the TriWizard Tournament.
I don't even feel I need to explain this one. If you haven't read HP by now, you probably won't (at least not based off of this). If you have, you know this is true.
Handsome Male Servant (Most Likely To Woo A Woman)
Again, so many options.
Augustus Waters - The Fault In Our Stars
If you haven't read it, spoilers ahead. However, at this point, you should have.
Who doesn't love Gus? He does everything for Hazel. He uses his own Wish to take her on a vacation! He knows the value of life and doesn't get caught up in petty drama. His best friends have gone through more in their young lives than most adults ever will. He uses his words and his actions to express himself. Ugh, love him!
Ok, that's it. I tried not to make it as long at the last one. I would love to hear any of your answers to any of these questions.
Quick list of the questions so you don't have to scroll all around:
- King (Favorite Male Lead Character)
- Queen (Favorite Female Lead Character)
- Prince (Most Loyal Male Character)
- 2nd Prince (Most Laid Back Male Character)
- Princess (Most Headstrong Female Character)
- King's Advisor (Most Trustworthy)
- Court Wizard (Magical Powers)
- Court Jester (Funniest)
- Traitor (Least Trustworthy)
- Lady In Waiting (Favorite Supporting Female Character)
- Duke and Duchess (One True Pairing)
- Gossiping Lady's Maid (Most Likely To Reveal Secrets and Spread Rumors)
- Handsome Male Servant (Most Likely To Woo A Woman)
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