Monday, June 20, 2011

I can't believe I used to paint everyday!

So as you know, I have moved home. Since a lot of my stuff was already out of my room since I took it to college, it seemed like prime time to paint.

Below is a progression of clearing out my room to the new paint and setup. The pictures look a little pixelated, I don't know why. I apologize. The top picture is a more accurate color match of the walls, the ones below it they look really blue.

Now I also have a new comforter that is not pictured, but it is also black (surprise, surprise) so it looks relatively the same. Though in these photos the one I had looks kind of gray because it was so faded.

My bookcase looks so sad an empty :-(. It's a little more filled out now. I just need some wall art (courtesy of Lizzy Whalen, perhaps?) and it will be complete.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Things you may or may not know

If you've ever thought you knew me, here are some things that you might not know I like. Some may be obvious, some may be weird, some may be specific, but all are true.

  1. Abbreviating Things - POA: Plan Of Action, Obvi: Obviously (Becky got me hooked on that)
  2. Alphabetizing
  3. Boardgames
  4. Bonfires
  5. Books
  6. Cartoon Robots
  7. Children's Books
  8. Crafts
  9. Crappy TV and Music - ARK Music Factory
  10. Day Planners
  11. Dry Erase Boards
  12. Dry Erase Calendars
  13. Ford
  14. Funny Words
  15. Getting The Same Person In Secret Santa That Has You
  16. #Hashtags
  17. Labeling Things - NOT People
  18. Making Lists
  19. Mini Legal Pads
  20. Monkeys
  21. Rewriting Things To Make Them Look Pretty
  22. Snow - I can smell it coming like Lorelei Gilmore
  23. Socks - I haven't worn plain white socks in 4 years
  24. Soft Serve Ice Cream
  25. Stargazing
  26. Sushi
  27. Taking A Week To Paint All My Nails
  28. Talking To My Dog On The Phone
  29. The Spots That Pop Up On A Movie Screen
  30. Those Table That Used To Come In Pizza Boxes
  31. Thunderstorms

Monday, June 13, 2011

"You know it was a good 21st Birthday when you wake up to someone passed out in your bathroom" -My mom

This is a few weeks old at this point but I wanted to share the fantastic things I made for my friend Meghan's 21st birthday!

I picked up the mugs for a DOLLAR a piece, got some puffy paint and went to work. They looked awesome and were a perfect party favor for a 21st birthday. I also made sure to wash them before painting them just in case they don't survive the dishwasher. They will get at least one use.

Then I also made a fun mug for the next morning for the birthday girl.

It says "Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will tech you to keep your mouth shut. -Ernest Hemingway" (I don't know why the pics uploaded backwards. I'm still getting the hang of this)

That's all I have to share right now. But I just painted my room and I'll share that transformation soon too.